Event Codes
Event Code | Description |
init | When the Reserve In-store system is ready. |
reserve_modal.create | When the new reservation modal is created. | | When the new reservation modal is shown. |
reserve_modal.hide | When the new reservation modal is hidden. |
reserve_modal.submit | When a customer/shopper submits a new reservation request through the modal. |
choose_location_modal.create | When the choose preferred location modal is created. | | When the choose preferred location modal is shown. |
choose_location_modal.hide | When the choose preferred location modal is hidden. |
variant.change | When the currently being considered variant is changed (IE shopper switches sizes, colors, etc). |
product.change | When the currently being viewed/considered product is changed. |
location.change | When the preferred location of the shopper is changed, either because the shopper changed it from the choose locations modal or the system detected a location change locally another way. |
stock_status.change | When the stock status indicator changes, generally because a location or variant has changed on the page. |
Example Usage
This code will trigger the function when the reserve modal is submitted:
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